Friday, July 10, 2015

Writing Pictures With Words

My new novel has reached 45,000 words and now in the revision process. 

I'm coming up for air to share.

Here are some of the links and resources I've used in the past few weeks. 
They have been such a plus for me.  I think you will enjoy. -   You think you are using the best word possible? Plug your word here and see more possibilities.

Susan Dennard's---How to write a one page synopsis- This is a fantastic way to get started on your synopsis. Thank you, Sooz, These tips have really opened my eyes.

Animal Onomatopoeia - Since I've got an animal in my story, I need to know how he communicates.
Plus this one is fun.

Fiction University- So amazing. This blog from Janice Hardy has zillions of topics for a writer to grow. Whether, it is how to start you story---- or the fine points of-- Does your novel have too many character's. So many great links here. Janice rocks.

I have not had time to sketch.   GASP!  Which is such a strange experience. But I have to admit, I'm enjoying so much, writing pictures with words.


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