So here is the finished product. He is left alone again while his owner is at work. What mischief is he up too. Could be a surprise for Louie? To order or visit Louie's blog, click here. By Tracey Delio. ISBN: 978-1-933651-59-0
Part of the Process Here is a sample of how I presented my layout to author, Tracey Delio, when I first began working on illustrations for Louie V Takes the Cake. After receiving the manuscript, I usually divide with highlighter seeking a balance and flow for the pages throughout. Even at this later layout stage, I would work and rework to see what works best. Sometimes stepping back a few days and returning to view it with fresh eyes.
Dixie Phillips, writer and book reviewer, has given Kevin McNamee and I a very postitive review for Sister Exchange. Please check out Dixie's "From the Heart of Dixie."